Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Clinging to life...precious life..My views on Euthanasia

Well...before i begin...i will request the reader(if he or she exists...that is)..not to get upset in any way by what they read here...these are my views...and nobody is forcing anybody to accept them..U r free to think of me as a partially(or totally) crazed maniac if you so wish..

So here i go...i was sitting on the iit bus...and I overheard a conversation between the two ppl occupying the seat in front of the one on which I was sitting...the topic of discussion was evidently a recently deceased relative of one of the passangers....From what i heard,i could make out that the relative in question had been bed ridden for the last 10 years....He had lost his memory about 5 years back...and about 2 years back he became paralysed...a year back he slipped into coma...and 6 months back he was put on a life support system due to kidney failure(i think thats what it was).
I think most of you,would rather "not be" under such circumstances.The reason I did not use the word "die" is because this word has a very negative connotation...The situation here is..
well...its a situation where even the murkiest of all,death is not a bad thing to happen....I think its really difficult to least i cant imagine...what life would be like if we cant remember anything.....what it would be like if are trapped within ourselves......helpless.......brings back memories of the song "ONE" by must be one shit of a life to lead....if it can be called "life" at all,that is....
There was such a hoopla about the death of a woman in the states,whose husband decided to take his wife off feeding tubes after watching her suffer for eight years....i m not glorifying the mans bravery or anything....must have been a nerve wracking experience to watch your loved ones suffering the insufferable....I thought that this was a positive step...after all,Ethics and morals go to hell....there is nothing,absolutely nothing that gives us the right to make a person suffer like that
I think the main problem people have in performing or accepting euthanasia is the so called "peer pressure".I mean i think "Self Respecting People"(as they like to call themselves) are just too scared to think what the so called society would say if they did not take "enough efforts to save their beloved ones".People are too scared that the society would blame them of having ulterior motives....or maybe the society would say they did not want to waste money...I ask these people just one damn question....What fraction of the so called society...which seems to be nosy enough to make everybody's business its own...can truly be placed in the category of "Well Wishers"....How many would really help you out if you needed help...What gives them the right to decide What is right and what is not???
Another major problem which prevents the idea of euthanasia from gaining acceptance is the fact that EUTHANASIA is likened to SUICIDE....Now...the two things are different...remember
Suicide is a wilful effort culminating in the termination of one's own life...whereas...Euthanasia primarily means mercy killing...When a person is invalidated to the extent that I have described
,he cannot possibly Choose whether to live or to die...a human being at such an advanced stage of suffering,for example a person in perpetual coma,or the medical condition termed as "Brain Dead" cannot possibly have a choice....its up to the people who are supposed "wellwishers"(???)
to end the misery...Its not bravery to face such a you cannot show bravery when u lack consciousness....And its definitely cowardice to make somebody face such inhuman suffering....Suicide is a sin as it is running away from the shit you have created for yourself...and are too scared to look at....whereas Euthanasia is it is alleviating unthinkable suffering....I mean...isnt that what the lessons in righteousness teach us..."Live and let live" People interpret the saying too literally...Keep somebody alive at any cost...thats what ppl understand by this...Its not really means make sure you do whatever is within your reach to get the best out of your life...and at the same time ensure as far as possible that others get the best out of theirs...Having said that...i would like to ask only one question....Is it not within our reach to end the suffering of those we love....of those with whom we have shared moments to be teasured??
I hope i have convinced the reader(that is,if anybody cares to visit my blog!!!!!)that euthanasia cant be ageeable....but atleast sometimes the only way out....But what i have written above are my views....I am not asking anybody to believe then.....And as i chanced to mention earlier....U r free to think of me as a maniac if that pleases you...:-))


Blogger Meesum said...

it would be too difficult a task to say if euthanasia is correct or not in current context . if it is possible to determine if there is a chance of a person surviving after putting him on machines for sometime then things would have been much different.
euthanasia definitely sounds pessimistic but we should accept it that many of the situations in life are irredeemable.
but yes its a great pressure on the person whose beloved one is there in such conditions and also for the person under such conditions.
i even heard that brain secretes sedatives if it is sure that the body would not survive.

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

1:06 PM  

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