Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Little known facts about the fascinating lives of Pigs

It's 6 AM. Some people just had a good day.Some others just had a bad one . I am not sure what I just had, and if you made me give you an answer, I'd probably ask for some time to ruminate on this question, and then remember that the word "ruminates" has something to do with cows leisurely chewing their cuds, before searching "wiki cud", and opening (in parallel tabs) the wikipedia and the wiktionary links to "Cud". The first one would perhaps then lead to the wikipedia page on Ruminating animals themselves, (since reading about how regurgitation is central to the process of cudding (Is that even a word?) would almost definitely cause my feeble caffeine aided attempts ( make my daily conjugal visit to my beloved toilet seat a fruitful one) to end in failure, and perhaps even result in exactly the opposite effect (although, only in a manner of speaking), and I find that the result of my own regurgitations is often too runny to ruminate on) , in which I'd discover fascinating facts about how ruminations on whether or not a mammal ruminates play a central role in deciding whether the mammal in question is edible by a practitioner of one of the Abrahamic religions. The second would enlighten me to the fact that "Cud" is a noun, and that it is uncountable, so perhaps lexical constructions like "cows leisurely chewing their cudS" are only allowed as part of verse (which, as I may remind you, would by definition allow me Poetic License) .

Anyway. There are some among you who would smirk condescendingly at my indecision , because everybody really has good days and bad, but if you don't know which you just had, you probably just have trouble deciding, because you spend too much time reading wiki articles about things that have nothing to do with the things that need deciding. To such, I'd give a blank stare perhaps, punctuated with the occasional sniffle (I think sniffling is intimidating), to indicate to you that you are perhaps wrong, but I just can't be sure. Boy that'd confuse you, wouldn't it? There are others among you who'd say that you don't know what kind of a day you had at 6 AM, because, well, you haven't had the day yet. To such I'd give the blank stare, punctuated with a series of rapid blinks, to indicate to you that I define a day to be the period between two periods of sleep, and well, I haven't had any of that since yesterday morning.

Of course, there are some among you who'd tell me that nobody has good days and bad, people just have days. Some choose to say that they had a good day, some others choose to say that they had a bad one. To such, perhaps, I'd give a not so blank gaze, punctuated with a few comradely smiles, to indicate that you are a (wo?)man after my own heart. You see, we have the capacity to decide and categorize, but seldom enough information. Of course, you may choose to disagree with me, and frankly, I'd not really mind, because I am not sure if I am right. But then again, there are people I know who always seem to have good days (or, so their radiant smiles would seem to indicate), even if they just lost a leg, and there are others who have a perennially constipated look on their faces, (which would seem to suggest that even days on which they win jackpots are not really all that good).

I don't know. People say you are who you think you are. Maybe if you think you had a good day today, that's all that really matters. I can't think like that. I like to think I am like a pig. She told me yesterday that pigs can't turn up their heads to the sky, so they can never really see the sun and all. I don't know. If you asked a pig if it's day or night, it would feel the warmth of the sun, or the chill of its absence, it would see the ground around it burning bright, or see long shadows barely discernible in the dark. It might tell you, yeah, sure as hell, The sun is up. It might feel certain that the sun has set. But really. Can it decide without actually seeing the sun? Can it? There are hot nights and cool days, dark noons and bright moons. Right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so how did you post this at 429 if it was already 6. i know for a fact that you are too lazy to change the post timings from immediately publish.

11:14 AM  

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