Sunday, December 17, 2006


I recently read a very illuminating article that compared blogging to fellatio. Apparently , the basis of the comparison, according to the autor of the blog (my face has a jim carrey like expession at the moment) is that both are ego the aforementioned gentleman finds it imperative to denounce both varieties of hypocrites .
No, I dont know the person. I invite you to hunt him down , if you have the time. Recently , I saw a big debate on Youtube between some guy who claimed that hes the biggest porn star of the century and another who ran some kind of e-porn church.....Some anti porn site....That guy claimed that he is a "Porn Parish", and was supposedly passionately against porn...whatever, The civilized world is a real wierd place...heaven knows how we keep ourselves from going insane.
So recently, I went to a place that I was happy to find hasnt degenerated into a grotesque masquerade, as most things in our lives have indeed. The place is a remote tea plantation town, nestled about 5000 feet above sea level in Kerela, called Munnar.I am very sure that the rate at which they are cutting trees, there soon wont be any left. But well, thats besides the point. I probably never have breathed air fresher than i breathed while I was there. The fact that the breeze smells of tea (a very faint tinge of a smell, maybe even psychological) is merely an extra factor. I have often seen people (in movies and all) standing on a peak and spreading their arms and breathing in the air. I am always insanely jealous of people who get to do all these things... So I made it a point to climb as high as I could up a particular peak (which lay within a Mountain Goat reserve I visited) , and though I didnt make it to the top , I must say that it was breathtaking.Why, I even got a Nilgiri Tahr to pose against the scene of miles around ;))
Well. I am meandering, but I cant help it. For example, have you ever drove into a cloud while listening to Misty Mountain Hop? I assure you that it did indeed happen to me, and when I have finished convincing you that it really DID happen, I have also to tell you that it wasnt intentional. I just happened top be listening to some arbitrary playlist on my way to Munnar, when the car drove straight into what from a distance seemed to be a cloud some way above the road. So I was actually shocked (more like alarmed) when I suddenly saw that the car I was sitting in was driving staright onto that cloud, and moreover, it wasnt all that high at all, in fact it seemed to have totally gobbled up that section of the road. And well, you wont believe the next coincidence. The song finished just as the car was emerging from that cloud pocket. And the next song on the list happened to be Stairway to Heaven.
Did I just say that wierd things do not happen to me?
Well, since I am positively meandering, I will stop doing so. "Keep them short" one of my friends told me recently in relation to my blog posts. So I will.
And besides, if I am to believe Mr.Egotistical-Baboon-Catcher , I am merely posting this in order to boost my ego. I'd love to meet him one of these days


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