Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sub - Man (from the perspective of a xerox machine)

Being a student of limited capacities of classroom comprehension (limited is only a nice way to put it), I have , over the years, in a peculiar instance of personal adaptation, mastered the art of making scaled down drawings of what I see, on say a blackboard. In fact, I am an unquestioned expert in the art of maintaining proportions when I conscientiously indulge myself sombrely in the art of facsimiling everything in my field of vision onto my notebook.

Of course, it can be a tough ordeal even for a master like me when you are trying to draw all the the contents of the board when you are bein taught by Sub-man. I have, over the years, observed that no matter who is teaching, certain sets of drawings seem to look alike, with minimal deviation. I asked my dad long ago what this implied, and he replied with a somewhat quizzical and incongruous look on his face that "Letters of the alphabet " are bound to look alike, specially when one guy writes them. I wonder what he meant. I mean, English is pictographic isnt it?

But the trouble with Sub-Man is that nothing looks like anything else, and whats more, most drawings he makes look like gooey pieces of refuse. And if that weren't enough, when you are concentrating extremely hard on copying, He'll quack. yes. sure he does. My friends say that he actually means to say "Okay", but I'll bet any day that he is actually a Quack ..oops.. He quacks.
Why, that makes him a big ol' Quack doesnt it?I'll bet he actually doesnt want toteach us a thing,
rather, he is an agent from saturn trying to subliminally force us into slavery and damnation through his quacks, which convey some covert message to our subconcious self.

By the way, speculations apart, did I tell you that he teaches us something caled Quantum Mechanics? Has something to do with Bells and Cats it seems. Queer world. Sure is