Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Blue LED

My speaker system has a blue led. Its a 4.1, but thats besides the point. What is not besides the point is the fact that it has a blue led.

Now, we never quite realize how bright an led glows in ambient light.Its always dimmed by the surroundings, as all bright things in less bright surroundings are. Its almost as if lesser beings around the led feed on its extraordinary brightness to make themselves little more than what they are. The speaker has three knobs, which is not entirely besides the point, but well, we'll come to that later.

In order to realize the true magnificence of the led attached to my 4.1 speaker system (with three knobs) I realized (said realization eventually did lead to intended realization as stated before) that I must impair all sources of ambient light, the sources of those abominable parasites that feed on the brilliance of the aforementioned blue led.So, as per my rationalization, I proceeded to impair all sources of ambient light. The reader, if he is taking notes (as I would very much like, for this is a remarkable experiment with remarkable results) should note that this experiment can be performed at any location, provided the reader has a speaker system with an led as bright as mine, which i sincerely doubt, but well, whats the harm in trying eh.

So well, I proceeded to impair all sources of light, and even put my computer on standby. And Voila, there it was. So I was right to hypothesize what I hypothesized a while ago.The knobs , which are all above the led, looked as if somebody had lit a LPG burner underneath.The lowest knob was literally on fire. , and the fire burning within the upper knobs was progressively smaller, but conspicuous all the same. And there seemed to be a tinge of gold at the side of each knob, conspicuous enough to make its presence felt, and yet inconspicuous enough not to be explicitly seen. Blue crescents in the dregs of the dying day. I imagine that this is how sunset would look like from a planet with three moons, which are all , suspiciously enough, blue. Oh well, maybe they have water. And if anything, all this the whole scene a little more ethereal, a little more otherworldly, as if it subtly reminded us of blisses once commonplace but now long forgotten, misplaced in the labyrinth of misplaced memories,coated with the dust of time.

Oh but wait, tinge of gold? that sounds suspicious. True that it renders beauty even more beauteous, and makes a poet out of commoners like me, but where doth it spring forth? Surely I extinguished every known (and unknown) source of ambient light. Needless to say, I was stunned. So does it spring forth from nowhere ? Or is it some errant wind that blows pixie dust onto my knobs, lighting up with a faint angel glow my blues.

And at this very moment, I will rudely awaken the daydreaming my uber philosophical doggerel must have induced and sustained in the reader, who at some point of his/her life will surely realize that wasting his/her time reading my blog is a deplorable waste of his/her time. But let me ignore these moral compunctions which the future version of the reader will experience, and tell you where, after five minutes of composing useless doggerel in my head, some of which may have influenced some of what I have written here, I finally realized the unexplained light was coming from. It might indeed be a confidence shattering anticlimax for the reader to be told that it wasnt any pixies, or sprites that were making their presence felt, but I dont have a funny way of saying it yet, so,I will have to say it as plainly as possible, inconveniences caused are regretted.

There is a window to the right of my speaker, and there is a fence to the right of the window, and there is a house to the right of that fence, and the house has a porch fitted with a 200 watt bulb.

Somebody had left the bulb switched on.


Blogger Sunil said...

Are you jobless or what 0_0
Speaking of disturbing lights, you get these fundoo mice made by Quantum or something which emit an eerie blue glow which fills the whole room and makes sleeping feel like suspending yourself in a cryogenic chamber for preservation. Seeing as Moo has one of these and so do I, its only obligatory that you buy one too.

8:14 AM  
Blogger '~-)Sandman(-~' said...

yeah...i ought to

11:01 PM  

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