Sunday, December 02, 2007

Yes maam , thats my head swimming in your pool

Right. Now it must be understood at all costs that all I wanted was to start a Blog Post with the line "My head is swimming, my stomach squirming..." .

Now ,the reader must at this point think that,"Hell Shite, I can start a hundred and one blog posts with that, after all, this happens so often", like when you are about to finish a four hour lab at the back of five lectures hours, in which you strived (and unfortunately succeeded) in staying awake , or when you are shitting the morning after you've had the temerity to consume one whole Chicken Kali Mirch at Chainatown (for all ye ignorant fools, take note of the extra a in Chainatown, the pride of Kanpur), or when , oh, forget it.

But that is the whole fuckin point happens to us too often. I waited for so long to find some interesting occurence that is initiated by my head swimming and/or my stomach squirming, or maybe some interesting occurence that ended with my head going for a swim etc. You get the point right..

Well, that shoulda been a simple enough proposition.But for that extra clause that states that the aforementioned incident/narrative ought to be positively interestingly.

I mean, how'd a sane responsible citizen like thyself respond if I listed out in detail all/any of the incidents that entail such acts of indiscipline by what are very, very important organs. And it wouldnt pleasant too. I mean, surely you dont wanna kno about the Mustachioed Fatso we are spanked by?

(The one that threatened to eat us once, dear, remember? The one that loved cgs units? Oh pity, you dont remember his speech about how the Slant eyes, The Euroes, and them Yanks would wank off on our face if we didnt read thos strips of A4 size sheets that he ordered us to read? Oh by the way, I got him on lease. Seven days. I get to spank him all I want)

So now, I hope I have conveyed the whole gravity of the situation to my esteemed reader. Nothing Interesting happens that way. Lots of things do, sure, but then who said anything about their being interesting eh?

So now, the dear darling of a reader (hmm, the right kind, I hope) must be twisting her right thumb 276 degrees (notice the sudden gender bias?) thinking (??? didnt know SHE could do THAT) about the vaguely fantastic possibilities that this decleration of my eventual intended intentions , and the fact that this is essentially a blog post about My head swimming and my stomach squirming, present in terms of the interesting incident
that i would presumably proceed to recount, and make HER misrable life a little less miserable to bear,if only for ten minutes, etc etc..

But guess what beauty (ok , and brutes are included too, albeit grudgingly on the part of this humble author) I have no story. What else did ya thing eh? Nothing interesting happens to me eh. I reside in dandruff county. What could be interesting in dandruff country eh? Nothing at all sweet love, Nothing at all.....

Shit. Did I just say all that? Was I talking all this while? Did them Nazi gunners hear me?


Blogger Sunil said...

i have passive mana burn
i pwn

7:58 AM  

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