Monday, May 14, 2007

Sweat bites, and barks too

Yes. I finally am discovering every part of my body (the perverts need not read deeper into this sentence than i want them to) thanx to the unbelievably hot chennai weather. I had absolutely no notion that the weather can be so screwy so near the sea.

There I was, a peaceloving UP-ite , sticking to my routine , and I had the temerity (if you will have it thus) to go running at 6:30 this evening. Light sea breeze, temperatures dropping to decent levels, heck, this should be a walk in the park. When I was back, I was producing more sweat than I thought the water content of my body would be. I mean, sure, they do say that man is 70% water, but wow, I never thought that all of it was convertable into sweat. Why, it seemed to me that in places of such inclemet climes , the conversion of water from the "reserved for non sweat purposes" into sweat is as easy as it is to change dollars to pounds. Maybe its recession or something.

What followed is even more bizarre and grotesque. Needless to say that I was in the bathroom doing what one is supposed to be doing in a bathroom (once again, keep your twisted interpretations to yourself) long enough for my room mate to suspect murder by sweat,and when I came out, voila, I was sweating with newfound vigour, as if the bath had replenished my stores of water so that my body could sacrifice increasingly obscene amounts to some satanic sweat god. In fact, even now, sitting in the air conditioned cc, I can hear the vague murmurings of mutiny within my body, as if my sweat glands are waiting for me to step out into the heat so that they can plunge their hearts and souls purposefully into the worship of the demonic lord of sweat.

But , i tell them, that i'll run again. tomorrow. yup. My friends dont call me masochistic for nothing


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