Saturday, March 28, 2009

Uniqueness theorem

In this day and age where mediocrity is cherished, paradoxically, we are supposed to rejoice that we are unique. Notice, we are not supposed to rejoice IF we are unique, rather, THAT we are unique. Fags, Child Molesters, Tree huggers, anti war campaigners, global warming activists, people who participate in walks for a cause, all worthlessly mediocre individuals on face of this earth find something unique in themselves. But leave that. That is a complaint that might well hold solely in my frame of reference. Now by hypothesis, I am assuming that "uniqueness" is good. And then , again, by hypothesis , we have seen that it can more or less be assumed that everyone can be "unique". And the fact that man screams his lungs out proclaiming his virtues SOLELY to gain acceptance of his fellow man is almost axiomatic. So pray tell me, if everybody were to participate in aforementioned screaming out of lungs over his/her supposedly "unique" virtues, they are still all alike by axiom. Ha. Proved by contradiction that all people who claim they are unique are members of one large set of people who deserve to be disembowelled and thrown into a sarlacc pit. :O

In other noos, I seem to listened to bullet with butterfly wings 100 times without listening to any other song. And I sincerely hope India loses by an innings and 109 runs. I might finally be losing "it". Note: By "it" I mean the unique set of characteristics I possess that I should have screamed my lungs out about while I had the chance. Yay