Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Chat log with "The" Chachi

Well, I figured, what the hell, This is crap enough to be on my blog. Ergo, here we are, a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the minds of two utterly jobless gentlemen, one of whom, we are told , burst a capillary in his thumb trying to play his guitar.Sticklers for correct orthography, be warned. You may suffer a cardiac arrest in what follows

me: open sourse is like communism
ssgosh: yeah
10:47 PM
me: since there is no mmonety involved, well, everybody is a propaganda device
ssgosh: communism should ideally rule the world hmm
me: you are a commie bitch? :-X
ssgosh: yeah why?
me: Oo I believe that there should be a high and alow
ssgosh: hmm
10:48 PM
me: and i believe there IS ahigh and a low
ssgosh: what high low?
me: in this universe we live, the anisotropies are as important as the large scale homogeneity
ssgosh: hmm
10:49 PM
me: so trying to smoothen out the landscape is based on a fallacious assumption, that we can do that which is not provided for by nature
ssgosh: i feel that in the modern world, i should not need to fend for food
me: and that, my fiend, is impossible
oops friend
ssgosh: hehe
me: :D
ssgosh: i should get whatever's needed for living, and then be allowed to do whatever i wish
10:50 PM
me: ok if you say so but that takes away the incentive to be extraordinary
ssgosh: so instead of curbing individualism, i am supporting it, if you can see that
me: or in john nash's words to matter
10:51 PM
ssgosh: that takes away the incentive to work to have food
if, let's say, machines grow all the food, and no human being needs to work to survive, then everyone would be able to whatever they really want
10:52 PM
me: ok so you aint a commie
ssgosh: fuck all night with whores, or study cosmology or whatever
me: you are a socialist
ssgosh: hmm i dunno what i am i have my own ideas :D
me: no
10:53 PM
ssgosh: I am Karl Marx !!
me: actually, you are an idealist
ssgosh: bwahahahaah
me: :D]
ssgosh: bow under my supremacy !!!
me: \O/
ssgosh: idealist meaning sahi, u bowed
10:54 PM
me: :D see this isnt being a commie
being a commie means its a sin to wearn more than your neighbour
ssgosh: ah
me: its a sin to achieve more than your neighbour
you do nothing
10:55 PM
your state does it
ssgosh: in my world, there is no achievement...
me: you are a lifeless feelingless cog
ssgosh: state gives you food, and you do whatever pleases you
there's no responsibilities
10:56 PM
you are free
me: have you read 1984?
ssgosh: no
me: that is a commie world
yours is an idealist world
ssgosh: hmm
me: yours is a utopia
communism very soon degrades into a dystopia
10:57 PM
ssgosh: it's a utopia until humans need to work
once there are machines to do everything, it's no longer a utopia
after that, human beings would be able to concentrate on the important stuff
10:58 PM
me: why is it a utopia till humans have to work
ssgosh: everyone would have time to think, what is my value in this universe
me: you mean its NOT a utopia till humans work right?
10:59 PM
ssgosh: no...i meant that until humans need to work, my state isnt achievable, because again there would be pressure and responsibilities..
me: ok
ssgosh: some people would need to work to grow food
11:00 PM
i mean
me: yeah gottit
ssgosh: for a majority of people, there should be options..
to do whatever they want to in the world
right now that's possible only for a few people who are rich
me: no
11:01 PM
a utopia is not a state of bliss for the majority
its a state of bliss for ALL
our world will eventually tend to that blemished version of a utopia
ssgosh: i am talking about an achievable state..
11:02 PM
me: but the pure, pristine utopia, boy, that is nigh impossible
ssgosh: a few peopl would still need to work, they'd be groomed, like, say, bees
me: yeah :D
ssgosh: i dont care about that, if most people get it, it's fine if some don't, tough luck :P
me: yeah
11:03 PM
so in todays world 90% are the have nots
not too bad eh?
ssgosh: hehe
me: but if someday, 1% are in a position o be opressed by 99% of the population
that'd be a sad day indeed
ssgosh: actually no, cuz there are emotions too...neccessity is not the only thing binding you...society is there too
me: the equlibrium exists because 10% oppresses 90%
11:04 PM
its like a mosquito sucking your blod
ssgosh: hmm
me: when it getas too annoying, you swat it
but if you were to suck the mosquito's blood
ssgosh: hehhe
me: why, there is nothing that the poor thing can do about it
ssgosh: heehe'
11:05 PM
he can fly away
me: the only way out of this is to have only suckers, but no suckees
in other words, nobody in a position to be oppressed
ssgosh: hmm
me: if that is impossible, then its much better to let things be the way they are
11:06 PM
ssgosh: dunno..that's none of my business anyway
me: ie, suckee is much larger than the sucker
ssgosh: as long as i get free pussies and good food and stuff to think about, i'm okay
me: I am putting this chat on my blog if you aint
ssgosh: hehe
me: :D
ssgosh: put that pussy stuff at the top :P
11:07 PM
me: :D hahahaha
11:08 PM
ssgosh: i mean, what more does one want for life, your basic needs and a goal
me: A glass of wine, a puff of weed
A comely lass, is all I need :D
ssgosh: hehe

Friday, May 02, 2008

The Master Whiner

Whining is an art. I can attest for that, for I am a master at it.I am the master of whiners. All these years, I have been good at lots of things , but what I have been best at , really, is whining about how I really am not good at them. People go as far as to ask me how I happen to be so good at something as complex as whining, whether I have tips for them on how to become better whiners, for really, one of the deepest and yet most scantly realized truths of the human condition is that the most preferred state of existence is one in which everything goes right with the individual, and yet he whines effectively about every aspect of his existence. But try as I may, I cant help them. For whining is not something you can acquire. Its not a skill. Its a freak mutation of the genes that only very special individuals are born with. You should see my parents try and whine. They sound happy even when they are at it.

I was chatting with a friend of mine, when I switched to Super whine mode about how the modern generation is so unfortunate as not to have to scope to really expand their minds, how we keep on learning things that others did to explain occurrences that others observed , and how had we not been so unlucky, a few hundred generations ago a few generations of couples could have had kids a couple of years before they actually had, and how it would have all accumulated, and we'd have been born 60 years ago. Then he, presumably bored by my whining (for people want to whine about their lives,but somebody else whining, now that isn't a pretty sight), said that he had to tune his guitar.

The funniest thing for me is that when these lesser mortals are around whiners, they keep providing them with whine fodder, thereby aggravating the situation they are so desperately trying to avert. They just keep saying things in order to stop the leaking whining , and slowly the leaking turns into a steady flow, then into a mini flood, and the takes the deluge route to an out an out natural catastrophe. You keep hearing about these hurricanes? You heard of the butterfly effect? Well if an 8 year old ever asks you how hurricanes start, you have your answer.

So anyway. This was whine fodder. Oh yeah baby. Primo. Then , much to the chagrin of my dearly beloved friend, I kept blathering on and on and on and on about how I always wanted to play the guitar, and how I am too lazy to actually go out and buy one, and how if I bought one, I'd almost immediately lose interest in it. I also vaguely remember whining about how I really really wanted my cosmology course to be one on GR. I have no idea how that came up. I guess I really let myself go that day.It swung from my inability to play a guitar to the cosmology course back to guitars, then onto some other things I'd rather not mention on a public forum.

Now get this. This guy is the politest guy I know.So I really really must have let myself go to make him tell me to stop whining. He could take it no longer. I had reached his breaking point, and then ladies and gentlemen , IT happened.

Now I swear this , I never know when I switch to whine mode. Its like this unstoppable power I have that I have no control over. Who knows what I could have achieved had I found a way to harness it. I'd beat Gandhi , who was , after all, a really really really good old nagging whiner (No Offence). So what followed, was, albeit unprecedented, totally unintentional. The next fifteen minutes was a haze. Fifteen long minutes on, I realized, that after my friends rebuke, I had been Whining, about how much I WHINE!!!! My friend had given up. He was just replying in hmms and ohs. I am sure he had tears in his eyes.If he didn't, He is Superman. I was whining about how much I whine! It was amazing, when I actually realized what I was doing, to hear myself rant on and on and on about how I always thought my personal relations are affected by my tendency to whine. It was strange and grotesque and fascinating at the same time, like one of those really ugly turtles they show on Discovery channel, and all the hosts always seem to have that weird disgusted look contorted into a smile, touching the turtle with he tips of their fingers, and yet, pretending to actually pet the turtle as if it was a furry pooch. You want to run as far away from the television as you can, and yet it draws you to it. Grotesque can be fascinating.

So, even if my statement seemed a tad preposterous to you when I started out, I am sure it seems more like an understatement now. I may be the only Man alive at this time who has actually whined about how much he whines when he is not drunk. I didn't consider women. They whine a lot less than men anyway. So please, allow me to refer to myself, as The Master. The next time somebody complains that you are whining too much, just say "I know the Master" . Trust me, the subject wont be broached again.